Car transportation

Another service CXM du NORD provides is car tranportation.

Not just only in the Netherlands but also hauling cars from (or to) Germany, France, Belgium, the United Kingdom and even Switzerland.

Below you see a small selection of memorable transports.

Transport to and from a photoshoot for Citroën 100 Years of a secret car…

Collecting a Citroën XM V6 Exclusive after a very long drive to Switzerland and back…

Picking up a Citroën CX 25 GTi Turbo 2 in France…


Hauling loads of CX and XM in various conditions, ranging from an immaculate CXA Prestige in Cassis Nacré (ICCCR 2016) to parts cars like a CX Croisette in Gris Perlé and everything in between…



Some cars cross your path several times…


But also other makes and models…


Nice VW Golf Mark 1 convertible from Germany…

Off-road Land Rover Discovery 1 V8 monsters from England through the Channel Tunnel…